Project plan template

Process decription

Integration Method: Front-End.

The Prefixbox React-Based script is responsible for rendering Prefixbox modules, including AI Search, AI Navigation, and AI Recommend.

  1. Implementation details:
    1. Autocomplete: This will be rendered on every page where the search input field (<input id=”search”…) is present.
    2. AI Search:
      • We will keep the” Search Result Page.
      • As part of the integration, a new Search Result Page must be created by the client, e.g., “”.
      • The Prefixbox integration script will render the left-side filters, product tiles, and search controls (e.g., sorting options, pagination) on the new search result page.
      • Add to Basket & Add to Favorite: The Prefixbox script can call the same front-end function with the required parameters that are implemented on client's side. For this, client’s development team must share:
        • The add-to-cart function and its specifications.
        • The add-to-favorite function and its specifications.
    3. AI Recommend:
      • TBD: Decide on which pages the recommendations should work. Prefixbox suggestion:
        • Home Page – Personalized Recommendations.
        • Category Pages – Personalized Recommendations.
        • Product Detail Page – Personalized & Complementary Recommendations.
        • Add to Cart Page – Complementary Recommendations.
    4. AI Navigation: These modules will be integrated on the new search result page, e.g., “”.

On Related Products, the Add to Cart and Add to Favorite functions will be implemented in the same way as for Search.

  1. Client’s Responsibilities:

    1. Provide GTM & Google Analytics Admin access to the Prefixbox team (ga.prefixbox at

    2. Create and share the product feed.


      • The product feed must contain all the products that client is selling online.
      • The feed must contain all the product attributes, such as:
        • Attributes used to render the product tiles (e.g., labels like “Promotion”, product ID for add to basket, etc.).
        • Left-side filter attributes, such as category, brand, rating, etc.
        • Availability values: “in stock”, “out of stock”, “available for order” (e.g., 3 weeks shipment).
      • Supported feed formats: JSON, XML, CSV/TSV.


  2. Insert the Prefixbox JavaScript into the header.

  3. New page: (e.g., “”) The new page must contain only the header and footer. The content between them will be generated by the Prefixbox integration script.

  4. A category feed for the Related Category module is also needed:

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