JSON Feed Format
"staticAttribute1": "value",
"staticAttributeN": "value",
"customAttribute1": "value",
"customAttributeM": "value"
Static attributes are supported by default, no additional action needed on the Prefixbox Portal.
- identifier: The unique id of the product. Type: string. Mandatory field.
- displayText: The display text of the product. Type: string. Mandatory field.
- alternativeProductName: If the product has an alternative display text, fill this field. Type: string.
- url: The URL of the product. Type: string. Mandatory field.
- imageUrl: The URL of the image of the product. Type: string.
- tag: The tag of the product. Type: string.
- category: The category of the product. E.g.: electronic devices/laptops/accessories. Type: string.
- price: The price of the product. Type: double. Mandatory field.
- oldPrice: The old price of the product (e.g. you have some kind of promotion that changes the current price). Type: double.
- discount: The discount rate. Type: string.
- description: The description of the product. Type: string.
- brand: The brand of the product. Type: string.